
SMS Deliverer is able to use HTTP callback to send incoming and outgoing messages to a web application.


# Request older to reply message ID

It's used to make sure the message is processed by HTTP callback holder successfully. It's recommended that check it and the HTTP callback holder should reply the message ID otherwise SMS Deliverer call the HTTP callback repeatedly.

# HTTP query parameters:

id: Unique string identification.

from: From number, for outgoing message it's a empty string. (Note: if numbers include prefix '+' URL decode is required.)

to: Destination number, for incoming message it's an empty string.(Note: if numbers include prefix '+' URL decode is required.)

message: Incoming or outgoing message.(Note: if message includes other language or special character URL decode is required.)

res_sn: Incoming message serial number.

imsi: SIM card serial number.

imei: Modem's  IMEI.

comport: COM port number which sent or received the message.

simno: SIM card phone number.

softwareid: Software ID (Only available for ultimate edition)

custmemo: Customize filed which used to transfer messages from external application.  (only available for ultimate edition)

sendstat: 1 means send success, 0 means send fail.



http://host.com/?id=ce563271-ac66-4d48-acea-edb3af7beea9&from=10086&to=&message=message&res_sn=000001 &imsi=460021437168596&imei=865633016194898 &comport=COM9 &simno=+86183555999

HTTP Response ( message id) :


SMS Deliverer will pick up the message's id from response text and verify with origin message id, if not match the software will call again. if the option 'Request older to reply message ID' is not checked, the software only call the HTTP callback once.

HTTP callback web application example: