
# How to use SMS Deliverer to query SIM card phone number?


# There 3 ways to get SIM card phone number:

# 1. SMS Deliverer robot:

Any SMS Deliverer client is able to run as a robot, It send SMS to themselves from all connected SIM cards to query the phone number. Attention: Every SIM cards should have enough credits for SMS sending.


  • Can work fine100 percent.


  • Every SIM need to have credits.
  • Carrier will charge for the SMS.
  • Need to know one of connected SIM's phone number.

# 2. SMS to operator:

Some operators provide SMS command to allow user send specified SMS to get the SIM phone number.


  • Send SMS to own operator is free.


  • Not all operators provide such feature.

# Filter keywords (optional) :  when incoming message include this keywords, software will automatic to pick up the phone number from the message. It’s used to avoid get incorrect number from message.

# 3. USSD to operator (recommended):

Some operators support to get SIM phone number by USSD.

  • Send USSD is free.
  • USSD is faster then SMS.


  • Not all operators provide such feature.

Input USSD command then click button ‘Query all’ to query all SIM phone number, or click button ‘Query’ to query one of SIM phone number.
Filter keywords (optional) :  when response message include this keywords, software will automatically pick up the phone number from the message.

# How to use 'pick up phone number rule'?

  1. Automatic: Pick up all available numbers from message and use the number with maximum length as final number.

    Message example:

    Home Tel:113456 Office Tel:2256548 Cell phone:3366899221 (message length are 56 characters)
    Software will pick up 3 numbers (113456,2256548,3366899221) from this message , Final result: 3366899221   (because this number's length is maximum)

  2. Pick up number from sub-string. this option is used to pick up a number from a part of message and avoid to pick up an incorrect number.

    Message example:

    Home Tel:113456 Office Tel:2256548 Cell phone:3366899221

    If you want to get office tel:

    Set 'start keywords' to 'Office' and set 'sub-string length' to 12

    Home Tel:113456 Office Tel:2256548 Cell phone:3366899221`

    The software will pick up the number from sub string:  Tel:2256548 (length: 12)

    Finally, the software will get the number: 2256548